INFO:2025-01-23T12:19:22Z:root:pulling... From * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD 0236cb689550..6f684816e25d main -> origin/main Switched to branch 'main' Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) HEAD is now at 6f684816e25d [libc++] Use [[clang::no_specializations]] to diagnose invalid user specializations (#118167) INFO:2025-01-23T12:19:24Z:root:syncing... Deleted branch merge (was 0236cb689550). Switched to a new branch 'merge' branch 'merge' set up to track 'origin/main'. INFO:2025-01-23T12:19:25Z:root:building ninja: Entering directory `out/gn' [0/1] Regenerating ninja files ERROR at //llvm/lib/Support/ Expected comma between items. "ABIBreak.cpp", ^------------- FAILED: ../../llvm/utils/gn/bin/mac-arm64/gn --root=../.. -q --dotfile=../../llvm/utils/gn/.gn gen . ninja: error: rebuilding '': subcommand failed Command '['ninja', '-C', 'out/gn']' returned non-zero exit status 1.